Living Large With Less

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La Vida Local

© Sean Fowlds

Living “the local life,” as the above title alludes to, is about settling into a place that suits one physically as well as makes sense fiscally. Our minimalist journey has been about creating a lifestyle that allows us to live in special places affordably, as reflected in our original mantra of “minimize to mobilize.” While our traveling days may be winding down with our recent move here to my home state of Virginia and our related purchase of furniture, we remain very mobile.  

In simple terms, geoarbitrage is the act of relocating yourself to lower your cost of living while improving your overall lifestyle. Coined by Timothy Ferris, the author of The 4-Hour Workweek, geoarbitrage is an embrace of life, travel, freedom, and living life on your own terms. That’s why geoarbitrage is also known as lifestyle arbitrage.

And according to the Southern Living article titled “Smartest Places to Retire,” “Although it’s small, this Shenandoah Valley burg [Lexington] has big appeal, starting with its postcard-perfect Main Street…Shopping local is one of the pleasures of living in this small Virginia town…Downtown Lexington has become a haven for farm-to-table dining.”

Given our location here on Main Street, Linda and I enjoy the walkability of living downtown close to two major universities, multiple bookstores and cafes, and the local library, not to mention the weekly farmer’s market across the street. And the beauty of it all is its relative affordability as compared to our former life in New England.

So, while not everyone is so disposed, the ability to live and move more freely and lightly is one of the many upsides of downsizing. And in our turbulent times, it is one alternative to consider if the situation calls for it. For example, when our last landlord threatened to raise our rent several hundred dollars per month, we were able to pivot and land here in a much more affordable place closer to family and friends. Here is to living la vida local!