Living Large With Less

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One Thousand Words

©Sean Fowlds

It has been said that a picture is worth a thousand words, and if that is so then I’ve captured a library’s worth of images in the past several years, namely with one or the other of my iPhones, as that is the camera that I typically carry on my person. Regular readers may be interested to learn that I am in the process of selling the vintage Canon A-1 film camera that I used to take black and white photos, as I am concentrating on digital images. 

And this past summer I compiled a collection of several favorites into the book pictured above aptly titled Maine Coast. The photos were captured up and down the coast of Maine during the past half dozen years we’ve lived here. And it features a mixture of ships, lighthouses, and other nautical sites naturally associated with life here in coastal Maine. Living so close to the ocean has been creatively inspiring and one of the results is this book.

One of the byproducts of minimalist living is that it helps to prune away the detritus of life and thus frees one to pursue such creative passions. I for one have become known as the family archivist over the years due to my practice of photographing and/or videoing various family functions. And while folks are not always enthused when asked to pose for a photo, I am naturally the one turned to at weddings, funerals, and other events. 

I am in the process of putting the finishing touches on my new photography website so stay tuned for more about that. And I will be sharing more soon about our upcoming move from the keeper’s cottage here at the Marshall Point lighthouse. It is said that all good things must come to an end and with a proposed rate hike of about fifty percent at the upcoming expiration of our three year lease Linda and I are moving onto the next spot on our journey.