Living Large With Less

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Memorialize Mementos

Sean Fowlds

In order to share some more practical examples of our minimalist process I delved into the archives and came up with course content that I presented to a class at the University of Maine’s local Senior College. And with Memorial Day coming up this weekend, I thought I’d list several simple suggestions to help you memorialize mementos

For our purposes here, I am defining such memorabilia as “stuff that serves to remind us of special moments in our lives.” As anyone who has ever tried to declutter sentimental stuff realizes, it is extremely easy to get sucked into the vortex of never-ending decision fatigue due to nostalgic attachments to our mementos, so please proceed accordingly. 

Frame favorite photographs: Whether digital or analog, consider framing your favorite photographs as visible reminders of highlights in your life. 

Box keepsake paperwork: Linda and I each have a shoe-box sized “memory box” to keep our favorite handwritten notes, greeting cards, and other printed matter. 

Use archival albums: There is a reason wedding albums and other photo collections are often the first things people reach for in a house fire. 

Preserve printed articles: As a writer I have saved my favorite article clippings in a portfolio book but you may prefer to laminate special written material.

Scrapbook miscellaneous items: Scrapbooking ticket stubs, meal receipts, and other paraphernalia is another way to salvage sentimental reminders. 

Sorting through our memorabilia can be very challenging. So, allow me to suggest that you DO NOT start with sentimental items when simplifying. It is far better to build up some momentum dealing with other stuff before wrestling with memory markers and their associated feelings. And give yourself ample time to process any issues that arise from your downsizing. Just don’t postpone the process indefinitely.

And lest I fail to address the digital detritus of our lives, remember to save, archive, and backup electronically any digital files you want to preserve. Social media sites may not be online forever so consider downloading any special content from them for your records. As with minimizing other stuff in our lives, I have found that identifying favorites helps to make the process more manageable. Here’s to happy memories!